The Generation Gap to me is a take on a traditional diner type restaurant. They serve good food cheap, and in large amounts. It is also a good place to sample traditional Bahamian food. The Peas-n-Rice is like my grandma used to make. There are quite a few other Bahamian specialties on the menu as well. I would suggest the cracked conch!
The Generation Gap is a dine in or take out kind of place. I don’t really like the dining room because it is kind of closed in feeling. The entrance of the restaurant has a few tables and a traditional eat-at counter that you’d expect at a diner. It’s fun sitting here in the morning eating breakfast while listening to the locals banter on about whatever is on their minds that day.
The deserts served here are pretty good. Careful though, the portion may induce diabetes. Most of the desert menu consists of cold no bake type deserts with the occasional cake as seen in the above photo.